YULCOM obtains a mandate to integrate Webservices combining artificial intelligence and credit scoring for the Entrepreneurs Financial Center of Tunisia.

27 April 2021
YULCOM obtains a mandate to integrate Webservices combining artificial
intelligence and credit scoring for the Entrepreneurs
Financial Center of Tunisia.


MONTREAL, April 06, 2021 – YULCOM has obtained a mandate to integrate credit scoring services (credit evaluation by means of a rating system) based on an artificial intelligence algorithm for the benefit of the Entrepreneurs financial Center.

In the framework of Establishment and Development of EFC in Africa and Latin America project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, YULCOM was selected to help experiment with credit scoring based on an artificial intelligence algorithm to determine a rating of risk for a credit applicant. YULCOM will carry out this mandate in collaboration with the firms Ax Finance, Videns Analytics, Entrepreneurs Financial Center (CFE) Tunisia and Développement international Desjardins (DID).

« We are delighted to collaborate on this innovative project that will harness the full potential of artificial intelligence to help entrepreneurs to obtain financial services, » said Youmani Jérôme LANKOANDÉ, CEO of YULCOM Technologies.


Since his born, YULCOM has provided web and software solutions combining artificial intelligence to customers in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa to increase productivity and accelerate innovation within businesses and organizations. Beneficiary of this project, the “CFE – Tunisie SA” aims to 2 increase the accessibility of professional financial services to micro and small entrepreneurs in order to contribute to sustainable prosperity, the emergence of the private sector and the improvement of the living conditions of Tunisians.

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